Marco Casini |
Fabio TostiProf. Dr. Fabio Tosti (IEEE
M’17–SM’19) received the M.Sc. and
Eng. degrees (cum laude) in
Infrastructure and Transportation
Engineering from Roma Tre
University, Rome, Italy, in 2010,
and the Ph.D. degree in Civil
Engineering with European Doctorate
Label (excellent rating) from Roma
Tre University, in 2014. A
registered Chartered Engineer, he is
a Professor of Civil Engineering at
the School of Computing and
Engineering, University of West
London (UWL), London, U.K., and the
Director of “The Faringdon Research
Centre for Non-Destructive Testing
and Remote Sensing” at UWL. His
research interests include the
development of new algorithms,
methodologies, and models for
geoscience applications and the
non-destructive and satellite remote
sensing assessment, repair, and
maintenance of civil and green
infrastructure. He has
authored/co-authored over 220
research publication records in
international journals, conferences,
and books and delivered numerous
keynote and invited lectures. Prof.
Tosti was a recipient of the ECSs
Award by the European Geosciences
Union (EGU) in 2017 and several Best
Paper Awards at International
Conferences, including the 2023
International Conference on
Geographic Information and Remote
Sensing Technology (GIRST 2023), the
2021 IEEE Asia–Pacific Conference on
Geoscience, Electronics and Remote
Sensing Technology (AGERS2021) and
the IEEE 2020 43rd International
Conference on Telecommunications and
Signal Processing (TSP2020). He was
the General Co-Chair of the 3rd and
2nd International Workshop on Signal
Processing Techniques for Ground
Penetrating Radar Applications in
2022 and 2020 (TSP—IEEE Conf. Record
49548), respectively, and he served
as the main organiser, scientific
committee member and chair of
technical sessions in 50+
international conferences and
workshops. He served as the managing
guest editor for various journals.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of NDT
(MDPI), and an Associate Editor of
the International Journal of
Pavement Engineering (IJPE), Remote
Sensing (MDPI), Frontiers in Remote
Sensing, Geoscientific
Instrumentation, Methods and Data
Systems (GI), and the Journal of
Railway Engineering. |
Professor Akgün received his
Bachelor’s degree from the Middle
East Technical University (METU),
Department of Geological Engineering
in 1981 and his Master’s and Ph.D.
degrees from the University of
Arizona, Department of Geological
Engineering in 1986 and 1990,
respectively. Professor Akgün is a
faculty member at the Middle East
Technical University (METU),
Department of Geological
Engineering, Ankara, Turkey since
1995 and Associate Editors of The
Journal of Solid Waste Technology &
Management and Environmental
Geosciences journal. He was employed
as a Senior Design Associate at
Environtech Consultants, Inc., Boca
Raton, Florida, during 1990-1992
and, as a Senior
Engineer at Geotech, Inc., Maple
Shade, New Jersey during 1993-1995
before becoming a faculty member at
METU. He is a Registered
Professional Engineer with
specializations in engineering
geology and geotechnical
engineering. Professor Akgün has
authored a total of 2 international
book chapters, 2 international
encyclopedia chapters, 60
international journal papers and 74
international conference papers. |
MeriggiPietro Meriggi is an
Assistant Professor (RTD/A
researcher) in structural
Engineering (SSD ICAR09, Tecnica
delle Costruzioni – Building
Technology) at the Department of
Civil, Computer Science and
Aeronautical Technologies
Engineering of Roma Tre University.
He is a member of the Structures
Research Group and lecturer for the
MSc Course of Sustainable Structural
Design and Retrofitting. |